Saturday, August 20, 2011

Thoughts on a Saturday afternoon.....August 20, 2011

A week from today we will be hanging my first ever one woman exhibit at The Oliver Wolcott Library in Litchfield,CT. Who am I kidding? This is my first time EVER showing my work to the public. (With the exception of some entries in the Goshen Fair a lifetime ago.) And now a juried show!

There are many people who have been supportive as I've tip-toed back into painting after so many years. (You know who you are.)  And so I thank you. Your genuine enthusiasm helped me believe in my art. Because of your encouragement, I was able to present my work before the Cultural Committee....(without passing out!) I thank God for the gift He's given me and the awareness that He is flowing through my work.

Sitting at my computer this sunny afternoon, out every window of our kitchen I see breathtaking color.
Goldfinch of the purest yellow are feasting on the centers of dark pink coneflowers. Hummingbirds, too many to count as they sip and run, flash irredescent green and red. Deep orange monarchs, outlined as if by Sharpie marker, land on the bush planted for them. Striking swallowtails, both the yellow and the blue, also find the purple blossoms. Blossoms so dark and intricate in pattern. And everywhere green. More variations than I could mix in a lifetime of painting. Thank You God for all the beauty You have made.

And so I am particularly greatful this Saturday in August. I have been blessed with a loving, supportive family and faithful friends.....and beautiful surroundings I will never take for granted. I am an artist. I am. And I'm loved and inspired by the Creator of the universe. How awesome is that!

The painting's title is GO WITHOUT KNOWING.  I was inspired by a praise song by Sandi Patty. The lyrics that moved me the most were these:
"I'd go without without doubting.....face without fearing......."


Whitney McKendree Moore said...

And "try filled with trust" in HIm who makes the impossible possible. This is a beautiful painting, pal. I love its title, and I love ewe.

Claudia Wood Rahm said...

Thanks for your comment! I wouldn't have (and couldn't have) tried without trusting. And your unwaivering support and prayers, (not to mention the beautiful piece of writing that "unchained" me) lifted this "late bloomer" and pointed to what was possible.Then God did it.
I love ewe too.