Saturday, December 3, 2011

It's about TIME?

Suddenly it's December! How did that happen? I remember my elders saying time seems to go faster as one gets older......I'm there. Since my last posting, I've tried to paint some each day. If I didn't have other responsibilities, however, I'd paint ALL day EVERY day. Over the years, I've come to the realization I'm an all or nothing kinda gal. ( I'm not sure why....but I am sure it's not anything I want to spend too much time analyzing.) I just am.

 My kids grew up hearing these words from their dad: "Do you need it...or do you want it?" I understood what he meant, why he said it, and that he had probably heard some variation of those words his entire childhood. Yet I did wonder if those two words had to be mutually exclusive!

 I'm pretty sure, now, that I not only want to paint...but I need to paint (or at least draw in my sketchbook.) I can liken it to needing to read in the Bible and pray first thing in the morning-- or  needing to take a walk to benefit my brain chemistry. So it's problematic when housework and cooking and errands and appointments happen. (Note to self: find a bumper sticker that says, I'D RATHER BE PAINTING!) But, oh well, they do.

So what is this about...  And what's up with allornothingitis? Is there a cure? Which motivates you...need or want?  Does it matter? Got an opinion? Or a philosophy? (Maybe you don't have time to post a comment.) I think I'll go paint......after I fix lunch!

Here are a few new ones...................................

                                                                      Pond Morning

                                                                         12 x 12



                                                                  After You! 

                                                                    16 x 20



                                                                                                                                                                        Dining Alone 

16 x 20


(Peter's Stole)

a linear study 

18 x 24


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Newest paintings

                                                               Rahab's Window II

                                                                        18 x 24


                                                                   The Clearing

                                                                       16 x 20



Sunday, October 9, 2011

It's kind of embarassing when  asked what style I paint in. I sometimes wish I could say, "I'm an Impressionist or an Expressionist. That would be easier (and sound smarter than) "I don't know." But  I'm neither. I don't fit into a category.....never been  fond of labels anyway.

 I'm influenced by such greats as Chagall, Matisse and Klee.  Children's art absolutely delights me and almost anything extraordinarily colorful that passes in front of my eyes captures my imagination.

When so much of my work was hung together in the gallery, it was clear I was painting in sort of three genre....maybe called abstract, whimsical, and thematic. Sometimes a bunch of one kind gets painted one after the other. Or some times I have several going at once and go back and forth.....straight from a spiritual and serious work to a canvas full of "fantastical" life forms.

Oh well. The fear of letting the paint fly is gone. Time to get over being embarassed!

Here are three new paintings.............................


                                                                      18 x 24


                                                                 Rahab's Window

                                                                       18 x 24


                                                                  Sea Dragons

                                                                     12 x 12



more to upload....please stay tuned!  (and when I figure out why my letters and numbers are out of whack--I'll correct them. Am I embarassed? Well, a little.)

Variations on a theme

It's fun for me to see these three paintings together, which can only happen here! The first one sold almost immediately and went to Georgia. The second  was purchased at my art show in Litchfield. After the show I missed having the whale watching over me from behind the I painted the third. I've been listening to suggestions to write a children's story about why the whale keeps showing up. So I'm pondering... Who did invite the whale OR was he there all the time before any of the other critters showed up? Hmmmmmmmm.

                                         Who Invited the Whale?


Who Invited the Whale Again?


Who Keeps Inviting the Whale?

22 x 28



Friday, September 23, 2011

Exhibit Undone.......Artist Unlocked....

My last posting told of hanging my art in the gallery at OWL. My first body of work since retiring. The show is almost over! Has it really been a month? Already?? Memories of the opening reception are fresh in my mind and heart. The support and encouragement from so many friends and loved ones just blew me away. Tomorrow the paintings come down from those walls.

Some will come back home to racks Woody built. The NFS ones return to their rightful owners. (Thank you all for letting me borrow them back for the show.) Still others will be picked up at the library by folks who bought them there. I love knowing where some of them are going. It's part of me going out into the world. Kind of like "cutting the apron strings"....if you ask me.

This morning I had the pleasure of spending about an hour in the gallery with my brother.
He had driven all the way from Shelbourne Falls, MA to see my work. He silently moved from painting to painting, first backing up then moving in for a closer look. He asked lots of questions; " In what order did these three distinct styles unfold?" "Did this one come from your sketchbook?" He made unique observations; " These two show expectancy and nuturing." "This makes me wonder about all the common folk we almost never see in nativity scenes." As we were leaving he said, "You produced quite a body of work in two years." "These are really beautiful."

This little sister's heart was remembering her childhood big brother. How she idolized him. And all these years later, it still really mattered what he thought. How proud I am of this well respected and nationally known educator, sought after speaker, workshop facilitator, and published author many times over. Imagine what it meant to hear him say, "You have a lot to be proud of, Claude."

Years ago (maybe 40) my brother gave me a huge book about Marc Chagall, my first favorite artist, whose work I still adore. Inside the cover he wrote this excerpt, " Never lock away your art, lest your love be locked away with it."

Those words have never been more poignant.  Color Unchained. Something inside me has been also unlocked. You always knew it was there big brother. I love you Chip.

P.S. He bought my painting called One Anothering.  Which does not surprise me one bit!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Hanging the exhibit... the storm... the blessings... and the gift.

 Saturday, husband Woody and I arrived at the Oliver Wolcott Library just ahead of the rain. We managed to get the paintings into the gallery before it poured buckets. With all the pre-planning (visualize little cardboard rectangles all over the floor with me crawling around arranging and rearranging my imaginary mini-paintings onto 3 imaginary walls)....I couldn't see how it would take the alloted 4 hours to hang the exhibit. Especially with the assistance of my trusty sidekick-- armed with assorted tools, pencils, and paper.

Wrong! We finished in 3 hrs. 45 mins. with just enough time to pack up the car before the library closed for the day. Kudos to the Master Mathematician/Keeper of the Level. (Using a level, I can do--subtracting fractions in my head--not so much!) We were able to hang 39 works (with the 40th on a shelf in the lobby) and remain speaking to each other. It was a challenge, to say the least....the hanging not the speaking.

It was exciting to see so much of my work displayed "all at once". (Propping multiple canvasses against the walls at home is just not the same!) Library goers peeked in and one lady asked if she could have a sneak preview. "Are you the artist?" she asked. "Yes", I answered. And YES echoed in my heart. "I love your colors!" she added. I thanked her, we introduced ourselves, and she said she would be back for the opening.

Once back home, the rain intensified...and then the wind. We watched non-stop coverage of nature's fury, praying for those in harm's way--including our new neighbors' lost puppy, Callie. We counted our blessings as our power (and both daughters' houses in MA) stayed on. The worst news was hearing my brother and his family (also MA) had to be rescued as the nearby meandering stream rose and raged faster than anyone imagined it would. They are safe with friends, thank God.  I have just now heard from my bff in Old Saybrook who is also safe. Without electricity, but no major damage and safe! And a muddy Callie was found yesterday! Blessings on blessings!

As I look forward to Thursday evening, I am acutely aware of those who are less fortunate. Electricity may be off for days in some areas, properties and lives have been damaged. My heart goes out to those who are suffering. I'm remembering what the prophet Jeremiah spoke: "...O Lord our God... We set our hope in Thee." ( 14:22)  Also I'm reflecting on a painting I did with the 10th anniversary of  9/11 in my thoughts. It is dark and bright at the same time... titled The Power of Hope. There's power and there is Power!

This morning the local weather reported the week ahead will be one of the sunniest and most beautiful we've had all year. A gift. Like hope.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Thoughts on a Saturday afternoon.....August 20, 2011

A week from today we will be hanging my first ever one woman exhibit at The Oliver Wolcott Library in Litchfield,CT. Who am I kidding? This is my first time EVER showing my work to the public. (With the exception of some entries in the Goshen Fair a lifetime ago.) And now a juried show!

There are many people who have been supportive as I've tip-toed back into painting after so many years. (You know who you are.)  And so I thank you. Your genuine enthusiasm helped me believe in my art. Because of your encouragement, I was able to present my work before the Cultural Committee....(without passing out!) I thank God for the gift He's given me and the awareness that He is flowing through my work.

Sitting at my computer this sunny afternoon, out every window of our kitchen I see breathtaking color.
Goldfinch of the purest yellow are feasting on the centers of dark pink coneflowers. Hummingbirds, too many to count as they sip and run, flash irredescent green and red. Deep orange monarchs, outlined as if by Sharpie marker, land on the bush planted for them. Striking swallowtails, both the yellow and the blue, also find the purple blossoms. Blossoms so dark and intricate in pattern. And everywhere green. More variations than I could mix in a lifetime of painting. Thank You God for all the beauty You have made.

And so I am particularly greatful this Saturday in August. I have been blessed with a loving, supportive family and faithful friends.....and beautiful surroundings I will never take for granted. I am an artist. I am. And I'm loved and inspired by the Creator of the universe. How awesome is that!

The painting's title is GO WITHOUT KNOWING.  I was inspired by a praise song by Sandi Patty. The lyrics that moved me the most were these:
"I'd go without without doubting.....face without fearing......."

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Blessed Assurance
11x 14
acrylic on canvas


Time and Tide
acrylic on canvas


Blue Moon
acrylic on canvas

 Night Music
acrylic on canvas


Two Women
acrylic on canvas


Sunday, July 10, 2011


acrylic on canvas

Living Stones II
acrylic and gel medium on canvas



Above and Beyond
acrylic and gel medium on canvas



Growing Faith
acrylic on canvas



Reach !
acrylic on canvas

$ 200.

And God Saw That It Was Good
acrylic on canvas


Freedom Dance
acrylic on canvas


Blue Moon
acrylic on canvas

$ 250.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

works on wood

Abundant Goodness
 8 x 24 1/2
acrylic on wood

Peaceable Kingdom II
8 x 24
acrylic on wood

Love One Another
8 x 16
acrylic on wood

Busy Bubble
acrylic on wood

(Have you ever wondered what's in a drop of water?)

works on paper

Color Unchained
18 x 24
acrylic on paper

Go for it!
8 x 10
marker on paper


Under My Eyelids
8 x 10
marker on paper

                                                            Talking to Myself
8 x 10
marker on paper

Sunday, July 3, 2011

This painting is called Living Stones. It was painted as a gift for my dear friend, Whitney McKendree Moore. It has become the cover art for her newly published book, Whit's End. This is what she wrote on the back coverflap: "The writer and the artist lost one another over time, but God changed all that by reuniting them. They have been encouraging one another ever since."

Follow her blog from here or go to
                                                            I think you'll be glad you did.

Moonlight Serenade
acrylic on canvas



Homage to Henri
acrylic on canvas


Joy Molecules
acrylic on canvas



The name of this painting is Reconciliation

Although the painting was made in response to the news of a son apologizing to his dying father, reconciliation heals in other ways.

 As I reconcile the art-self I once was with the  one I am becoming, the tear drop becomes a keyhole through which I finally glimpse Claudia the artist.

It is a fitting header for my blog.

The painting is SOLD.
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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Dwell in Possibility
acrylic on canvas


acrylic on canvas


Beside the Still Waters
acrylic on canvas

Praise in the Storm
acrylic on canvas