Saturday, December 3, 2011

It's about TIME?

Suddenly it's December! How did that happen? I remember my elders saying time seems to go faster as one gets older......I'm there. Since my last posting, I've tried to paint some each day. If I didn't have other responsibilities, however, I'd paint ALL day EVERY day. Over the years, I've come to the realization I'm an all or nothing kinda gal. ( I'm not sure why....but I am sure it's not anything I want to spend too much time analyzing.) I just am.

 My kids grew up hearing these words from their dad: "Do you need it...or do you want it?" I understood what he meant, why he said it, and that he had probably heard some variation of those words his entire childhood. Yet I did wonder if those two words had to be mutually exclusive!

 I'm pretty sure, now, that I not only want to paint...but I need to paint (or at least draw in my sketchbook.) I can liken it to needing to read in the Bible and pray first thing in the morning-- or  needing to take a walk to benefit my brain chemistry. So it's problematic when housework and cooking and errands and appointments happen. (Note to self: find a bumper sticker that says, I'D RATHER BE PAINTING!) But, oh well, they do.

So what is this about...  And what's up with allornothingitis? Is there a cure? Which motivates you...need or want?  Does it matter? Got an opinion? Or a philosophy? (Maybe you don't have time to post a comment.) I think I'll go paint......after I fix lunch!

Here are a few new ones...................................

                                                                      Pond Morning

                                                                         12 x 12



                                                                  After You! 

                                                                    16 x 20



                                                                                                                                                                        Dining Alone 

16 x 20


(Peter's Stole)

a linear study 

18 x 24



Whitney McKendree Moore said...

excellent o excellent, and a good questions as well about the difference between "want" and "need." Huge diff in my not-so-humble opinion. I am thinking of how God says that He will supply all our needs. My wants are what drove me into a ditch. I'm just saying.... Love the new blasts from your paint trumpet!

Claudia Wood Rahm said...

Thank you, my pal. I was just reminded that the first thing you say when we connect on the phone is, "Are you painting?" the pre-Christmas busyness...I've been saying, "No." way too much. And I must say, I feel kinda antsy! I am making an appointment with my "paint trumpet" tomorrow!!