Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The paintings that follow are some of my newest. I'm tempted to say they go from "the sublime to the ridiculous" (who said that, anyway?)

The first is called Beyond, and is a larger (24x36) variation of an earlier work- Above and Beyond.


24 x 36

$ 300

This next one is inspired by an Old Testament story I love where God sent ravens to feed Elijah in the wilderness. I call it Provision.




Gumbo is the next one. It's right from my sketchbook. It was fun working it out in color.




Through It All is an invitation to contemplate what is seen (or unseen) on the canvas. A play on words?.....not so much.

                                        See It Through

                                                                 12 x 24


every so often a painting just blasts out of me and I am as surprised as anyone to see where it lands. Once Upon A Time is one of those!

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Once Upon A Time

12 x 24

$ 150

When we were kids......

A few weeks ago, my wandering mind strolled back beyond fifty years to Old Orchard Road. Our house was at the very end of this little street.  I guess cul de sac is what real estate ads would call it today, but it wasn't that fancy. Although there was no sign to label it, Old Orchard Road was a dead end.Our driveway was at 10 o'clock off  what our parents called the circle. Apple trees were everywhere a house wasn't. A particularly good climbing one was smack dab in the middle of the circle. It's branches were our look-out and it's large lumpy trunk was home base for lots of our games. There were five kids in the house next door and two of their cousins lived a couple of houses away. Add my brother and me to make nine. But there were always a few more..either our school friends or kids from the neighborhood "over the stonewall" behind our house.

Summers were the best. After dinner we kids would gather. Rocks, nearly boulders, edged the circle and were perfect perches for planning. Would we ride bikes? Climb trees? Have an apple fight? Or would we race and run and hide playing Ringolevio? It seemed like hours and hours before dark. And with dark came fireflies, which for some reason we called "lightning bugs".

Then either our kid-calling bell would clang or the mother of five would shout their names in birth order. And home we went...with our skinned knees, mosquito bites, and magical blinking jars.

These three paintings came from those memories..................a fourth is in the works.

                              they are 11x14 in acrylic using frisket for masking


The Old Orchard

11 x 14



                                                                   11 x 14


                                                                    In A Blink

                                                             11 x 14
